Set Up Project Site



Each project will have a project site automatically created when the MS Project Schedule is published to MS Project On-line. The Project Site Home page has a document folder structure that mirrors the structure found on the 'S' Drive and project artefacts should continue to be filed down in the appropriate folder (but within MS POL rather than the 'S' Drive). There will be a small number of cases (e.g. CAD drawings) where it will not be appropriate to store an artefact within MS POL, and in these cases the 'S' Drive should continue to be used. At the time of writing this guidance, not all MS POL team licences have been issued, or training completed by project team members. During the transition period, project files may be in both places ('S' Drive & MS POL Project Site) in order not to cause access issues.

A project site is set up for Standard Projects during the pipeline stages (either Stage 0 or the early part of Stage 1) by the Project Control Officer (PCO) under the guidance of the Project Manager. Small Works Projects will adhere to the same processes when brought in scope of MS POL.

All project files are referenced with the project number and the project title.

Maintaining Project Filing through Stages 0 to 7

The Project Manager will be accountable for maintaining and populating their project site, but can delegate responsibility to the PCO. The format and sub section organisation of the project files reflect the requirements for effective project management and to meet FCO Services policy.

All Project Managers, internal and external, whilst employed on an FCO Services project must be able to provide any project document on request immediately.

At project completion, the Project Manager is responsible with the support of the PCO to identify documentation to be retained and saved in accordance with KIM policy.


Templates are stored witin the FCOS PPM Library pages of MS Project Online
All the policy, guidance and best practice you need are on The Hub.



• Role  (Responsible) : Project Control Officer
• I'm Role (Accountable) : Project Manager
• Role (Consulted) : Project team


Project file set up