Version 2.7 (Oct 21)
Additional Buttons
Accreditation & Copyright
Acronyms & FAQs
Version 2.6 (Sep 21)
Repeating process step markers colour coded to reflect mandatory/optional process legend
Version 2.5 (18 May 21)
Framework Suppliers: new sub-buttons added:
Design Team Services DPS
Secure Construction DPS
Secure Buildings Labour Resource DPS
WWI Frameworks
FCDO Generator Suppliers
Design Management
Peer Review: Repeating steps deleted and replaced with separate entries for each stage i.e, Peer Review Stage 1, Peer Review Stage 2 etc
Version 2.4 (13 May 2021)
Reorder Reference buttons alphabetically
Procurement Management:
Governance & Timescales (deleted)
Preparation of Documents (deleted)
Procurement of Services (deleted)
Modification of Contracts & Administering CEs (deleted)
Supplier Performance (deleted)
Supplier Defects (deleted)
Tender Request (new)
Tender Action (new)
Administering Contract (new)
Version 2.3 (7 May 2021)
Design Management:
Delete Statutory Approvals
Continue TAG Consultations from Stage 1 –Stage4
Version 2.2 (23 April 2021)
Health & Safety:
Site Monitoring updated to Site Monitoring & Management
Version 2.1 (21 April 2021)
Project Management:
Project Reporting process updated to Project Reporting & Approvals.
Version 2.0 (May 2021)
Version 1.6 (July 2020)
Additional button
Version 1.5 (Aug 2019)
Procurement Management:
Complete redesign of swim lane and is as follows:
Version 1.4 (May 2019)
Additional buttons
Version 1.3 (Sept 2017)
Additional buttons
Version 1.2 (Feb 2017)
Additional button
Version 1.1 (June 2016)
Additional buttons added: